Honest Trailers | Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire

Thứ tư - 24/04/2024 22:03
Honest Trailers kicks off 2024 with Zack Snyder's latest slo-mo saga, Rebel Moon - Part One, a Netflix movie tailor-made to fall asleep to.

Enjoy slow motion? How about some even slower motion inside the slow motion? Well then, Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire is just your speed. Er, slow speed.

Honest Trailers rings the new year with Snyder‘s rejected Star Wars pitch, which is a totally original idea about a farm boy, a smuggler, a former royal knight in hiding, and a British robot (plus laser swords and alien cantinas) warring with space nazis. Come for the exposition dumps, stay for the many many conversations about grains. Watch it above!

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