GITAM School of Architecture launches programme to inspire future architects in Visakhapatnam

GITAM School of Architecture launched “By the Bay 2025” programme on Beach Road, here, aiming to inspire future architects and motivate the young generation. This initiative is designed to go beyond the traditional classroom setup, enhance the school’s visibility and engage students, parents, and the broader community in immersive architectural experiences.

As part of the event, architecture students created various sketches on canvas, guiding the general public and students on how to portray their thoughts on canvas. This interactive experience proved to be thought-provoking for both learners and faculty.

According to Vibhuti Sachdev, dean of GITAM School of Architecture, the programme aims to inspire young minds to explore architecture as a potential career path. “We are excited to engage with the community and share our passion for architecture,” she said.

Building on the success of last year’s charcoal activity at Coco Arena, this year’s initiative will feature four distinct activities conducted over four Sundays, Sachdev added.