Honest Trailers | Speed Racer

Thứ sáu - 17/05/2024 23:35
Honest Trailer feels the need for speed, crashing into the Wachowskis' colorful, crazy animation adaptation, Speed Racer.

Video game adaptation Gran Turismo may have you in the mood for racing movies so with that in mind, Honest Trailers invites you to Speed Racer, which exists in a world where the economy is 95% car-based and the races feel like you’re watching an earthquake at the Hot Wheels factory.

With the movie’s most popular sport being a maniacal mix of Formula One one and people outright trying to murder each other, Speed Racer feels so fast-paced and insane you’ll swear you’re watching the original ’60s cartoon. After making three hit Matrix movies, the Wachowskis gleefully entered their flop era. First was Speed Racer: a colorful box office dud that’s become a cult classic. Then came Cloud Atlas: a colorful box office dud that’s become a cult classic. Then Jupiter Ascending… annnnd you get the idea.

So if you’re looking for a racing movie where the secret, sacred advice is “close your eyes” then Speed Racer will be right up your motorway.

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