Forest Department keeps water in 101 troughs across Coimbatore Forest Division for wild animals

Forest Department staff filling water in a trough in Madukkarai forest range of the Coimbatore Forest Division.  

The Forest Department will keep water in 101 troughs across Coimbatore Forest Division for wild animals to quench their thirst.

Forest Department officials said that troughs in all the seven forest ranges in the districts have been cleaned and they are being filled with water at regular intervals.

Out of the 101 troughs, around 30 have solar-powered bore wells with motors and the staff need not carry water to them using tankers.

The officials said that availability of water in troughs would reduce instances of wild animals, especially large herbivores like elephants, straying out of forests in search of water. Elephants that enter agricultural lands in summer often end up having negative interactions with humans.

Besides animals, the troughs also serve water needs of other wildlife, including birds and reptiles.

District Forest Officer N. Jayaraj said the 101 troughs include two ponds that were constructed in Madukkarai and Coimbatore forest ranges this year using corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds.

He added that companies and non-government organisations were welcome to fund for more water troughs under CSR activities. Those interested to sponsor water for the troughs could also get in touch with the Forest Department, he added.