Sewage flows on road raising a stink; officials say work to rectify it will be completed shortly

Sewage stagnating on New Natham Road near Reserve line junction in Madurai on Sunday.
| Photo Credit: ASHOK R

Residents and commuters who use the stretch below the elevated corridor on New Natham Road near Reserve Line in Madurai have raised complaints over sewage spilling on the road making it difficult for them to use the arterial road.

Sewage can be seen stagnating along the stretch near Ramakrishna Mutt and it has been a nightmare for the residents and commuters. The residents complained about mosquito menace and bad smell emanating from the sewage that was getting collected on the road.

The manholes were overflowing, they said. Vehicle users and pedestrians also found it difficult to use the stretch. During the rain, the situation gets worse as rainwater gets mixed with sewage, they said. The residents said that they had already given complaints to the authorities concerned and hoped that the issue would be addressed at the earliest.

It will be a relief for the residents and commuters as work to stop the sewage spilling onto the road will be completed shortly, said Madurai Corporation officials.

Waste emanating in the area will be taken to the pumping station in Valluvar Colony through a sewage line, said Zone II Head of Madurai Corporation A. Saravana Bhuvaneshwari.

Ms. Bhuvaneshwari said that works were under way and the blocks choking the culverts had been removed. The sewage from the area will be taken to the pumping station and the work will be completed shortly, she added.