Maha Kumbh Mela special trains from Vijayawada to have additional coaches

The Maha Kumbh Mela special trains originating from Vijayawada division will be augmented with additional coaches, according to South Central Railway (SCR) officials.

Train No .07093 and 07094, Vijayawada-Gaya-Vijayawada, which will run on February 5 and 8, will be augmented with two third AC and two sleeper coaches.

Train No.07095 and 07096, Kakinada Town-Gaya-Kaninada Town, will be have two third AC coaches. Train No. 07095 will leave for Gaya from Kakinada Town on February 8, while Train No.07096, from Gaya to Kakinada Town will be operated on February 10, according to a press release on Tuesday.