The Kerala High Court on Friday dismissed petitions filed by candidates who challenged the appointments made to the post of armed guards in the State Bank of India’s (SBI) Thiruvananthapuram Circle.
They had sought fresh selection to the post, contending that the selection process was marred by corruption, nepotism and arbitrariness. The petitioners — ex-servicemen who had put in minimum 15 years in the armed forces — also contended that the result of the selection and marks were not published and was hence shrouded in mystery. They also said some applicants who could not complete physical and drill tests were appointed as guards, without adhering to guidelines.
They particularly referred to the removal of a selection committee member from service after being found to have accepted ₹3 lakh bribe from a candidate, and termed it proof of large-scale corruption in the selection process.
The respondent bank contended that the process was just, fair and transparent and that marks were given on the basis of their grade in their ‘certificate of discharge’. Moreover, only results of the 44 selected candidates were required to be published, it said.
The Bench of Justice D.K. Singh said that the guidelines had not been violated so as to render the selection process illegal or arbitrary. The petitioners’ allegations are vague and unsubstantiated and without substance and hence the writ petitions are dismissed, it added.
Published – January 31, 2025 08:49 pm IST