Concerns raised over lack of transparency in property tax collection in Coimbatore

Residents demand information on property tax rates and calculations on the Coimbatore Corporation website.
| Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Concerns have been raised over the lack of transparency in property tax collection in Coimbatore city, with allegations that bill collectors arbitrarily determine tax rates.

“There is no clear information on tax rates, forcing the public to rely on bill collectors. We don’t know the rates or how A, B, C, and D zones are classified. Bill collectors visit, take measurements, and later quote varying tax amounts. If we refuse their calculation, they don’t allow us to pay, leading to pending dues. My house is in Zone B, but since I refused to pay extra, they placed it under Zone A,” said a Vadavalli resident on condition of anonymity.

K. Kathirmathiyon, secretary of Coimbatore Consumer Cause, pointed out that the Coimbatore Corporation’s website previously had a Tax Calculator that allowed property owners to enter details such as total building area, plinth area, and ward to determine their tax liability. “This feature helped residents understand their tax obligations, but it is no longer available on the website,” he said.

He said that the Corporation was hiding the basic information from the public. There were also complaints that some bill collectors demanded bribes by initially quoting inflated tax amounts and then offering to reduce them. Those who refused to pay bribes found their tax payments delayed, ultimately affecting the Corporation’s revenue, he alleged.

Corporation Commissioner M. Sivaguru Prabakaran said that steps would be taken soon to make necessary information available on the Coimbatore Corporation’s website, ensuring that tax rates are not determined arbitrarily by individuals.